Collection Formats
Visual 2D/3D
Exciting and striking NFT art brought to you by your Funganomics® team in limited and specific quantities to ensure that you maximise the appreciation of your chosen assets. Visual NFTs will cover a large part of our ecosystem as they do for most platforms ranging from one off art pieces, rare digital collectibles and utility based NFTs.
For those moments in time that are best captured on video. From classic television scenes, sporting legend historical moments, music video clips to those deeply memorable cinematic moments all captured and minted as an NFT! Futuristic art collections can also take video format.
Those moments that are best experienced in audio only. Close your eyes, slip on your over-ear headphones of choice immerse your auditory senses into your NFT. Giving creators across the world a chance to be heard and develop their careers in ways only possible in a web 3 world.
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